138. The Commission may, for the purposes of this Act, promptly take one or more of the following measures:(1) inspect and seal taximeters or authorize, for the territory it determines, a person to do so on its behalf and set the fees payable;
(2) determine the territories for which an automobile need not be equipped with a taximeter, without the use of a technological means referred to in section 93 being required;
(3) if it considers it necessary for the public interest, appoint, for the period it determines and at a transportation system operator’s expense, a director who may, alone, exercise the powers of the operator’s board of directors; and
(4) appoint, for the period it determines and at a transportation system operator’s expense, a supervisor who reports to it on the transportation system’s operation.
The decisions of the Commission are published on its website.
2019, c. 182019, c. 18, s. 138.